International Journal of Case Reports and Images is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal publishing high-quality case reports in all specialties. The journal encourages publication of case reports describing unique, unusual and rare cases which enhance understanding of disease process, its diagnosis, management and clinico-pathologic correlations Case Reports International International Journal of Case Reports & Short Reviews (IJCRSR) is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes case reports in all areas on different types of diseases Readmore. Scope of Journal. International Journal of Case Reports & Short Reviews aims to encourage the publications of new and informative articles
Case Report Journal | International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI)
International Journal of Case Reports ISSN; DOI Herein, we report a case of a spontaneously ruptured simple liver cyst, which is a rare presentation of a benign liver cyst. Case report: A year-old man presented to our hospital complaining of acute-onset lower abdominal pain. He had undergone laparoscopic fenestration of a huge liver cyst in another hospital 2 years prior, international journal for case reports. Computed tomography CT scan showed spontaneous rupture of a large liver cyst.
International journal for case reports exploratory laparotomy showed no signs of ongoing intra-abdominal bleeding from the liver cyst; therefore, the operation was completed with peritoneal lavage. The patient was discharged from our hospital on postoperative day 5. Twelve days after the initial presentation, international journal for case reports, the patient was re-admitted to our hospital complaining of recurrence of lower abdominal pain.
CT scan showed an enlargement of the previously ruptured liver cyst, with intra-abdominal bleeding and massive hematoma in the cyst. Under the diagnosis of intra-abdominal bleeding from the artery in the wall of the huge cyst, emergent TAE was performed. Although the exact spot of extravasation was not detected, the anterior segment branch of the right hepatic artery, which corresponds International Journal of Case ReportsIJCRVolume 5Recent Articles Dislocation of the Mandible Condyle Towards the Middle Cranial Fossa: Case Report and Review of Literature Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Dislocation of the Mandible Condyle Towards the Middle Cranial Fossa: Case Report and Review of Literature MESQUITA FILHO, Paulo Mesquita1; LEAL, Elizabeth Bergamo¹; MANZATO, Luciano Bambini1; DE CONTO, Ferdinando2; FELIN, Gabriela Caovilla2; PONCIANO, Thales Henrique Jincziwski2 1Departament of Neurosurgery, Hospital de Clínicas, Passo Fundo, Brazil 2Departament of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital de Clínicas, Passo Fundo, Brazil Introduction: Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa is extremely rare in patients with craniofacial trauma.
Methods: This report documents a case of an intact mandibular condyle intrusion into the middle cranial fossa in a year-old woman following a traumatic incident treated by an intraoral approach that was performed to do an open reduction by condylectomy. Results: The causative mechanism, diagnostic features and a management option for reduction and treatment of these cases by performing a multidisciplinary approach involving neurosurgery and oral maxillofacial surgery are presented in this report.
Conclusion: Adequate radiographic examination, including Tomography and Magnetic Resonance, international journal for case reports, is necessary to obtain the proper diagnosis and to determine an effective management, international journal for case reports. Keywords: Trauma; Temporomandibular joint; Mandibular condylar fracture; Middle cranial fossa International Journal of Case ReportsIJCRVolume 5Recent Articles Merkel Cell Carcinoma of Anal Canal: Case Report and Literature Review Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Merkel Cell Carcinoma of Anal Canal: Case Report and Literature Review Zahrh F Abualsaud1, Zahra F Alkhunaizi2, Mohammed Somali2, Amani Joudeh2, Mohammed Tahtouh1 1Dept of General Surgery, International journal for case reports Fahad Specialist Hospital Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 2Dept of Pathology, King Fahad Specialist Hospital Dammam, Saudi Arabia Few cases of anal canal Merkel cell Carcinoma have been reported in the literature.
Merkel Cell Carcinoma is rare neuroendocrine tumor which commonly found in sun-exposed areas such as extremities. We describe a case of year-old male with anal canal Merkel Cell Carcinoma, international journal for case reports. He presented with peri-anal pain, tenesmus and itching. Besides, he was found to have chronic anemia. An anal nodule was found during per-rectum physical examination that was excised during endoscopy.
Histological examination of the nodule confirmed the diagnosis of Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Thenceforward, patient died 7 months after diagnosis with marked metastatic disease despite initiation of Pembrolizumab therapy. Keywords: Anal canal; Merkel cell carcinoma; Neuroendocrine tumors; MCC International Journal of Case ReportsIJCRVolume 5Recent Articles Burkitt Lymphoma of Central Nervous System in an elderly-patient: A new approach with a modified classic regimen Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Burkitt Lymphoma of Central Nervous System in an elderly-patient: A new approach with a modified classic regimen Maria Cynthia Fuentes-Lacouture1, Camila Torres Vélez2, Sergio Alejandro Osorio2, international journal for case reports, Mariafernanda Gonzalez-Blanco1, Angélica Ovalle2, Juan Sebastian Salas Botero3, Yadira Vasquez3, Claudia Patricia Niño2, Javier Segovia2 1Medicina Interna, Universidad del Rosario.
Hospital Militar Central. Bogotá D. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. They are usually treated with intensive chemotherapy regimens, being normally chemo-sensitive, but at the expense of high toxicity secondary to treatment. Additionally, the compromise of the central nervous system CNS implies a major risk as well as greater toxicity, taking into account a worse clinical prognosis with a requirement of more intensive schemes to achieve control of the disease.
This implies doubts in the management of older patients with BL with CNS compromise, in whom toxicity is a limitation to these therapies, and there are no other alternatives that offer better benefit in terms of less frequent or severe adverse events, with similar outcomes in terms of progression-free survival PFS or overall survival OS. Therefore, clarifying cases such as the one we report below allows us to provide a therapeutic alternative for older or unfit patients, in whom the intention of treatment should be to seek a good tumor response, but without ignoring the potential toxicity of chemotherapy.
Keywords: Burkitt lymphoma, central nervous system lymphoma, elderly, chemotherapy International Journal of Case Reportsinternational journal for case reports, IJCRVolume 5Recent Articles Outcome of surgical emergencies in COVID positive individuals- a Case series International journal for case reports Report of International Journal of Case Reports Outcome of surgical emergencies in COVID positive individuals- a Case series Dr.
Alex Edwards1, Dr. Rithik Raja2, Dr. Pabithadevi B. Mehanathan3 1Professor and Head, Department of General Surgery, Tirunelveli Medical college, Tirunelveli, India; 2Junior resident, Department of General Surgery, Tirunelveli Medical college, Tirunelveli, India; 3Professor of Surgery,Department of General Surgery,Tirunelveli Medical college,Tirunelveli India Introduction: This manuscript will dealt with the outcome of emergency surgeries in COVID19 positive individuals.
We are under the second wave of COVID pandemic. The research is ongoing regarding the outcome of patients who are undergoing, surgical treatment with COVID Rt-PCR positivity or become COVID positive during early postoperative period. Materials and Methods: All the patients who attended the emergency department of a tertiary care centre were screened for COVID by RT-pcR and the patients who are COVID positive but needed emergency surgical procedure were international journal for case reports in the study.
A cohort of 49 patients who were COVID positive and needed emergency surgical procedure due to various causes were included in the study. Most of the patients belong to the age group between 40 — 70 years.
The mortality rate was More than one co-morbid condition was present in 8. Most of the patients got discharged in 10 — 12 days. Diabetes was present in Manuscript Title: The title should be a brief phrase.
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Aims International Journal of Case Reports ISSN; DOI Our aim is to provide a platform for authors from all countries to encourages publication of most recent case reports in all specialties.
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Home Journals International Journal of Case Reports. Recent Articles For Authors Aims and Scope Archives Submission system International Journal of Case Reports ISSN; DOI International Journal of Case ReportsIJCRVolume 5Recent Articles. Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Dislocation of the Mandible Condyle Towards the Middle Cranial Fossa: Case Report and Review of Literature MESQUITA FILHO, Paulo Mesquita1; LEAL, Elizabeth Bergamo¹; MANZATO, Luciano Bambini1; DE CONTO, Ferdinando2; FELIN, Gabriela Caovilla2; PONCIANO, Thales Henrique Jincziwski2 1Departament of Neurosurgery, Hospital de Clínicas, Passo Fundo, Brazil 2Departament of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital de Clínicas, Passo Fundo, Brazil Introduction: Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa is extremely rare in patients with craniofacial trauma.
Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Merkel Cell Carcinoma of Anal Canal: Case Report and Literature Review Zahrh F Abualsaud1, Zahra F Alkhunaizi2, Mohammed Somali2, Amani Joudeh2, Mohammed Tahtouh1 1Dept of General Surgery, King Fahad Specialist Hospital Dammam, Saudi Arabia; 2Dept of Pathology, King Fahad Specialist Hospital Dammam, Saudi Arabia Few cases of anal canal Merkel cell Carcinoma have been reported in the literature.
Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Burkitt Lymphoma of Central Nervous System in an elderly-patient: A new approach with a modified classic regimen Maria Cynthia Fuentes-Lacouture1, Camila Torres Vélez2, Sergio Alejandro Osorio2, Mariafernanda Gonzalez-Blanco1, Angélica Ovalle2, Juan Sebastian Salas Botero3, Yadira Vasquez3, Claudia Patricia Niño2, Javier International journal for case reports 1Medicina Interna, Universidad del Rosario.
Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Outcome of surgical emergencies in COVID positive individuals- a Case series Dr. Scope: Case reports from all medical fields. Allergy and Its Subspecialties Anesthesiology and Its Subspecialties Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Its Subspecialties Urology and Its Subspecialties Emergency Medicine and Its Subspecialties Dermatology and Its Subspecialties Medical Genetics and Its Subspecialties Internal Medicine and Its Subspecialties Diagnostic Radiology and Its Subspecialties Neurology and Its Subspecialties Psychiatry and Its Subspecialties Obstetrics and Gynecology and International journal for case reports Subspecialties Ophthalmology and Its Subspecialties Surgery and Its Subspecialties Pediatrics and Its Subspecialties Nuclear Medicine and Its Subspecialties Preventive Medicine and Its Subspecialties Radiation Oncology and Its Subspecialties Pathology and Its Subspecialties Family Medicine and Its Subspecialties Immunology and Its Subspecialties.
International Journal of Case Reports and Images - December 2017
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· Case Report of International Journal of Case Reports Successful treatment for intra-abdominal bleeding due to spontaneous rupture of huge liver cyst using transcatheter arterial embolization: a case report Koichiro Mitsuoka, Yosuke Miyachi, Shuntaro Hirose, Takashi Taketa, Akihiro Suzuki, Taketo Matsubara, Tadao Yokoi, Gen Shimada, Akihiro Kishida, Toshimi Kaido Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins · International Journal for Case reports is broad scope, peer reviewed journal that covers all aspects of clinical specialties and medical sciences. International Journal for Case reports aims to keep scientists, clinicians and medical practitioners, researchers, and students up-to-date by publishing interesting articles on the on-going research International Journal of Case Reports & Short Reviews (IJCRSR) is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes case reports in all areas on different types of diseases Readmore. Scope of Journal. International Journal of Case Reports & Short Reviews aims to encourage the publications of new and informative articles
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